15 January 2016

TOTP 80.1 8/1/81

First broadcast: 8th January 1981
Repeated on BBCFour from: 14/01/2016
Presented by: Richard Skinner
Full chart here

It's eight-one-eighty-one, and welcome to 'the home of the hits' as an unashamedly buoyant Richard Skinner tries to convince us. So on with the first show proper of 1981...and no 'preview' thing, that's soooo 1980.

Racey – “Runaround Sue
And racey they are indeed, at least by 1978 standards which is probably where this belong, plus they're doing a cover of a 'retro' rock n roll thing which makes them all the more odious. This is really bad but they had 70s music 'guru' Mickie Most as producer who may possibly have given them a, er helping hand to get in the charts.

Adam & The Ants – “Antmusic
Now at no. 4 although they were probably still too hung over from the festive festivities to make it to the studio again, so here's a repeat. Either that or they were doing panto - dressed as themselves. Oh no they weren't!

The LookI Am The Beat
"Finally" in the Top 30 Skinner informs us becuase it's been kicking around nowhere much since last October. Mote jaunty late 70s/throwback pop-blues pub band who struck lucky with this their only hit. Fairly deep metaphysical subject matter, an all singing all musical manifestation of a, er, beat. "..in heaven and hell they know me too..". Wow. Annoyingly catchy.

Barry ManilowLonely Together
And they're back although looking rather world-weary and sorry for themselves doing this slow number in their petticoats. Cheer up girls, and make the most of it while you can. There are worst thngs to life than having to 'dance' to an abysmal record which had been hanging round the top 30 for seven weeks and was now at the giddy heights of no. 21. After this, it bombed.

Chart rundown 30-20

The BeatToo Nice To Talk To 
Oh here's the real Beat, not that rubbishy heaven and hell stuff. This is a repeat of the performance they did afore Xmas and now doing just slightly better than Barry Manilow at no. 20. Unlike Baz, this one would rocket into the Top 10 after this week's show. Hurrah!

Sad CaféI’m In Love Again
Oh no. Not this lot again! After Top 20 success with My Oh My early last year they've since had two flop singles (including one called Nothing Left Toulouse - cringe) although someone has obviously thought it fit to give them another chance even though they're at number 58. And the singer bloke really fancies himself as a kind of Mick Jagger innit.

Matchbox Over The Rainbow/You Belong To Me
More of last year's left-overs and this tastes very much of one of those mince pies you just found in the pantry, having initially opened the box on Christmas Day. Stale. No. 18 this week, no. 15 next week, and pretty much the end of the road for Matchbox.

Countdown 19-11, where we find....

Chas & DaveRabbit
This must have gone down a bomb at Christmas office parties, knees-ups and general "merry" get togethers over the past couple of weeks. As such it's continued to go up a few places although this is the last we'll see of it in Popsland. Don't forget it's 'back to work' week.

The SpecialsDo Nothing
Enough of the left-overs already, but this unruly crowd are at no. 15  and somehow will manage to shoot up to no. 4, its highest position, after this repeat performance. Good track.

The NolansWho’s Gonna Rock You?
Another repeat from pre-Christmas with the nation's fave siblings struggling a bit with this one at no. 24. That said, much like the Specials, tonight's showing gave them a kick up the collective backside (sorry girls) and got them up to no. 12.

Bad MannersLorraine
And speaking of panto, Bad Manners are back in their full fancy-dress gear and featuring a, er, blow up doll front stage. For soem reason the lead singer Buster something has dressed up as Henry VIII although not a bad choice given his stature. Much hilarity and horn-blowing ensues. To be honest I have no recollection whatsoever of this song. Probably still too busy listening to Gary Numan.

Top 10 countdown: Queen, Madness, Abba, Police, Winifred's, John Lennon, Ants, Jona Lewie, Lennon/Yoko, and..

John LennonImagine
..and without further ado here's Lennon again at the top spot with his most iconic song Imagine, in the charts for the second, but not the last, time. Seems amazing that the song hadn't even been released as a single in the UK when it first appeared on the eponymous album in 1971, whereas in other countries it had. 7" buyers had had to wait until 1975 to get a copy of it (when released in conjunction with the Shaved Fish retrospective LP) getting it all the way to no. 6 in November. Like Lennon himself, it disappeared again in early '76. But its message of peace and harmony and all that rang only too deeply after the star's brutal and senseless assassination and so it hit the nation's, and indeed the world's, heart once more in 1981. Lennon himself once described it as Working Class Hero with sugar on it, unknowing that it would somehow become his own epitaph. So here it is: iconic promo film, iconic white living room, iconic white piano.

Anyway ver kidz ain't bovvered about all that world peace stuff, all they want to do is to get on the telly!

Queen – “Flash
...to fade....

See you next time.

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